The Whole Child

At Be Creative As Possible we provide an environment that is creative, exciting, nurturing, supportive, safe, and age-appropriate.  In this environment we address the needs of the  “whole child” - social, emotional, intellectual, and physical.


Every child’s emotional needs are unique and we tailor our program to suit the group dynamic and each child’s individual growth.

We do this by encouraging:

*problem solving/self-regulation skills

*empowering children

*addressing individual learning styles

*encouraging self-discovery


Each child brings their home background to the class and we use this diversity to develop a classroom environment where we explore our local and global communities. We encourage this type of social growth through celebrations, language, stories and food.

Other types of social growth that we foster include:

*peer leadership

*appropriate classroom conduct


Academics are built into all aspects of our daily curriculum.

During our structured classroom times (meeting and circle) we explore:

*simple math skills

*“letter of the day”

*multiple languages (Spanish, French, Chinese and Sign-Language)

*pre-literacy skills

During our non-structured class time we have a variety of academic materials available for children to explore.


We work with our students to develop a wide variety of fine and gross motor skills in our classroom.

We do this by helping children develop:

*balance and coordination (obstacle courses, tunnel crawling, hopping, yoga and dance)

*hand-eye coordination (cutting, painting, pincher/pencil grasp, threading beads, hole punching, etc.)

How do we use art to address the whole child?

Art lends it’s self well to all aspects of the whole child.  Art encourages language development, fine motor skills, and social interactions.  We specifically create projects where children can use art to explore science, math, art history, sociology and much more.


We explore:


*mixed media

*fiber art



*dramatic play


*and much more!


We help to demystify the arts through asking question such as:

What were the first art materials?

Where does art come from?

Why do people make art?

Who makes art?


We make learning fun by:

*making up silly languages, songs and rhymes

*playing games

*fostering a sense of playfulness